Opened 5 years ago

Last modified 3 months ago

#11358 new defect

BACKENDS: 3DS - Blurry text in KQ6

Reported by: MarioKartFan Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: Port: 3DS
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: King's Quest 6


The 3DS port plays KQVI masterfully. However, from time to time the text boxes on the lower screen display blurry letters. This can happen intra-scene. For example when speaking with someone, the letters will be crystal clear. But as the dialog changes, even if the rest of the scene is unchanged, and even if the dialogue box itself is the same size, the letters suddenly become a blurry mess.

Change History (9)

comment:1 by digitall, 5 years ago

Component: --Unset--Engine: SCI
Game: King's Quest 6
Summary: 3DS KQVI blurry textSCI: KQ6 blurry text on 3DS Port

comment:2 by digitall, 5 years ago

@Mariokart: Can you please add a savegame demonstrating the problem?

comment:3 by m-kiewitz, 5 years ago

And maybe please also add screenshots / photos of the problem.

comment:4 by bgK, 5 years ago

The issue is KQ6 runs at 640x400 in hi-resolution mode (the SCI engine upscales the 320x200 resources by a factor of 2). The resolution of the bottom screen of the 3DS is 320x240. So the 3DS needs to downscale the game by a factor of 2. For the downscaled game to look good the texture needs to be sampled in the middle of each group of 4 pixels. At some point the alignment becomes incorrect and the linear filtering averages pixels that did not have the same value before the SCI engine upscaled them.

It would be nice to fix the issue in the 3DS backend. However, in the meantime playing the game with the hi-resolution graphics disabled provides a non-blurry experience. The nonsensical situation where the engine upscales the graphics only for the backend to downscale them does not happen.

comment:5 by bgK, 5 years ago

Component: Engine: SCIPorts
Summary: SCI: KQ6 blurry text on 3DS Port3DS: Blurry text in KQ6

comment:6 by MarioKartFan, 5 years ago

Hello bgK:

How do I play the game with hi-resolution graphics disabled?

Version 0, edited 5 years ago by MarioKartFan (next)

comment:7 by bgK, 5 years ago

You also need to select DOS rather than Windows when adding the game.

comment:8 by raziel-, 5 years ago

Summary: 3DS: Blurry text in KQ6BACKENDS: 3DS - Blurry text in KQ6

comment:9 by ccawley2011, 3 months ago

Component: PortsPort: 3DS
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