Opened 6 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

#11054 closed defect (fixed)

XEEN: Some objects yield nothing on looting

Reported by: darkstar Owned by: dreammaster
Priority: normal Component: Engine: MM: Xeen
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Might and Magic: World of Xeen


In Vertigo's tavern, in the Yak temple, and in some other locations I noticed that searching some beds (maybe also other objects) shows the "the party found" dialog, but there's no loot on it: 0 gold, 0 gems, and no item/armor/weapon popping up.

Attachments (4)

bug11054.png (268.9 KB ) - added by darkstar 6 years ago.
worldofxeen.004 (219.8 KB ) - added by darkstar 6 years ago.
screen04.png (256.0 KB ) - added by darkstar 5 years ago.
another screenshot, this time in Lakeview and a bit different
worldofxeen.002 (219.3 KB ) - added by darkstar 5 years ago.
lakeview savegame

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (10)

comment:1 by dreammaster, 6 years ago

Does it happen consistently with a particular bed or object? I tried myself on various beds in a new game, but couldn't replicate the problem. If you can replicate it, a savegame from just before searching would be helpful.

by darkstar, 6 years ago

Attachment: bug11054.png added

by darkstar, 6 years ago

Attachment: worldofxeen.004 added

comment:2 by darkstar, 6 years ago

try the attached savegame. There are a few beds in that room, and while it's not consistent (sometimes all of them work and give either loot or the "there is nothing ..." message), I can reliably trigger the behavior with a few tries. I attached a screenshot too

comment:3 by darkstar, 6 years ago

oh and in case it matters, I'm always searching with character #4 (Zippo)

by darkstar, 5 years ago

Attachment: screen04.png added

another screenshot, this time in Lakeview and a bit different

comment:4 by darkstar, 5 years ago

Update: In Lakeview, there's a similar bug (or maybe it's the same?) where the message is "$CHAR found:" and then nothing. See screen04.png. Attaching savegame (savegame 002). Just enter Lakeview, and enter the house immerdiately to the left.

by darkstar, 5 years ago

Attachment: worldofxeen.002 added

lakeview savegame

comment:5 by dreammaster, 5 years ago

Owner: set to dreammaster
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

comment:6 by Thunderforge, 5 years ago

Game: Might and Magic: World of Xeen
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