Opened 6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago

#11053 closed defect (fixed)

XEEN: Shop: Wrong item for shields

Reported by: darkstar Owned by: dreammaster
Priority: normal Component: Engine: MM: Xeen
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game:


In weapon shops, the icon used for shields is the cape icon. See screenshot.

ScummVM git 522d077ad8

Attachments (1)

screen.png (163.7 KB ) - added by darkstar 6 years ago.

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Change History (4)

by darkstar, 6 years ago

Attachment: screen.png added

comment:1 by dreammaster, 6 years ago

Is this an outstanding/old save? I'm hoping that this may be due to an out of date bug in the code that randomly generates items for sale, with out of index ids resulting in corrupted items. I fixed the problem, but blacksmith wares are only generated once every 10 days, so if it's an old save, it may not have had a chance to regenerate with a valid fresh list yet. If you could attach a savegame, I'll be able to tell if it's that the Id is indeed valid, or it is valid and it's indeed a problem with the icon being shown.

comment:2 by dreammaster, 6 years ago

Oh, nevermind. I was able to still replicate the problem after starting a new game several times. So I'll be able to look into the problem further.

comment:3 by dreammaster, 6 years ago

Owner: set to dreammaster
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

And fixed

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