Opened 6 years ago

Closed 14 months ago

Last modified 13 months ago

#10872 closed defect (fixed)

AGI: SQ1 - version 1.0x - game hangs just before Skimmer (Kerona desert) arcade starts

Reported by: mikesk8 Owned by: sluicebox
Priority: high Component: Engine: AGI
Version: Keywords: Skimmer hangs 1.0x
Cc: Game: Space Quest 1


The game hangs:

  • not possible to type commands
  • Esc button triggering Pause does not work
  • F1 (Help) does not work
  • cursors not working
  • mouse not working

just before Skimmer (Kerona desert) arcade starts. After pressing Enter (or any key including Esc) on dialog "The settlement alien spokesman of appears on the horizon" (see screen 1) the skimmer disappears and game hangs (see screen 2).

Once hanging and you quit ScummVM you can briefly see the skimmer appearing on the screen before the game/ScummVM close.

Scummvm version 2.0.0 Mac (stable version)

Attachments (3)

SQ1-screen1.png (72.4 KB ) - added by mikesk8 6 years ago.
SQ1-screen2.png (70.5 KB ) - added by mikesk8 6 years ago.
sq1.010 (4.1 KB ) - added by mikesk8 3 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (20)

by mikesk8, 6 years ago

Attachment: SQ1-screen1.png added

by mikesk8, 6 years ago

Attachment: SQ1-screen2.png added


comment:1 by mikesk8, 6 years ago

I have tested the same in Boxer (Mac based Dosbox interface) and it does not hang there. It seems it is linked to ScummVM then.

comment:2 by m-kiewitz, 6 years ago

So I assume that you own Space Quest 1 for DOS platform?

comment:3 by m-kiewitz, 6 years ago

I just tried my Apple IIgs copy.
That one works fine, at least when using my previous play through saved games.

comment:4 by mikesk8, 6 years ago

Yes, indeed; this is a DOS first version 1.0x and AGI 2.089 interpreter.

comment:5 by mikesk8, 6 years ago

As far a I know, there are 4 versions of DOS AGI SQ1: 1.0x, 1.1a, 2.2 (two interpreter versions). All of them have different interpreter version. I do not know much about Apple one apart of orange sky :)

comment:6 by raziel-, 5 years ago

Summary: SQ1 - AGI - version 1.0x - game hangs just before Skimmer (Kerona desert) arcade startsAGI: SQ1 - version 1.0x - game hangs just before Skimmer (Kerona desert) arcade starts

comment:7 by ZvikaZ, 4 years ago

Can you please supply a save game?

by mikesk8, 3 years ago

Attachment: sq1.010 added

comment:8 by mikesk8, 3 years ago

Here is the save file. Please type "turn key" and it will go to the scene where it hangs. Basically, you should be able to navigate to the city.

comment:9 by mikesk8, 3 years ago

Btw. I have now tested it in 2.5.0 Mac version.

comment:10 by mikesk8, 3 years ago

Please remember its for 1.0x PC version (the first one).

comment:11 by m-kiewitz, 3 years ago

Hmm, this is going to be a problem because I don't own that version.
If the game hangs and nothing else works, it's highly likely that it's some delay loop, which is not detected.

Back then years ago I made it so that loops waiting for a time change (tick change) get detected and will update the time and wait properly. But maybe in yours there is code that does the same but slightly different and that's why it isn't detected.

The problem is that these loops would cause huge CPU load otherwise (it's like "checking time, if time hasn't changed, jump back and recheck time etc.", which is also bad, that's why tick/time count isn't updated all the time as well. Games are in fact not even supposed to do this, sometimes games do it anyway as some kind of hack.

Maybe someone else in the team owns that version. Maybe @sev ?

comment:12 by mikesk8, 3 years ago

I can help you with getting this version; I guess you just need a file or two. Please let me know.

comment:13 by mikesk8, 2 years ago

Hello Team, Please let me know if you need my help to fix it? Thanks, Michal

comment:14 by somaen, 15 months ago

Priority: normalhigh

Would be good to look at this for the upcoming 2.8.0 release.

in reply to:  14 comment:15 by mikesk8, 15 months ago

Replying to somaen:

Would be good to look at this for the upcoming 2.8.0 release.

If I can help, please let me know ;-)

comment:16 by sluicebox, 14 months ago

Owner: set to sluicebox
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Fixed in:

mikesk8, your heroic patience after five years tugged at my heart strings. I didn't know AGI internals until this! If there's anything that's worth the wait, it's that skimmer mini game. ;)

Thanks for reporting this!

comment:17 by mikesk8, 13 months ago

Thanks a lot for fixing it! ;-) I am always happy to help.

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