Opened 6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#10640 closed defect (wontfix)

Starship Titanic: Russian version causes crash at start

Reported by: StalinEXE Owned by: dreammaster
Priority: high Component: Engine: Titanic
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Starship Titanic


ScummVM version: 2.0.0 and Daily build from Jul 22 2018.
Game language: Russian 3 CD release
OS: Windows 10 Home x64


I've found rare and only one Russian translation for Starship Titanic made by Fargus (speech, text and commands). It is 3 CD release, not repack. I've met a few problems:

1) After installing I didn't find "", so the first problem is adding game to ScummVM.
2) I've tried to use "" file from GOG release (English version works fine) and add it to files from Fargus release. ScummVM found game now, but launching this caused crash and I didn't see intro and gaming screens.
3) I've tried to use all assets from GOG release and copy files from Fargus with merging (hoped to get localized sounds). Result is the same: crash.

After looking some information in the Internet, I've figured out that Fargus was selling 1.0 version and didn't release patch v1.00.42c. English patch can cause troubles with Russian 1.0, so it is safer to use 1.0.

Unfortunatly, I don't think that someone from communities will adopt patch for Fargus version or make installer with localization for patched English/GOG release.

Also, due to the crash, I can not see any information about checksums or something else.

May you help with this problem, please? I'll upload any additional information that you'll request.

Change History (5)

comment:1 by StalinEXE, 6 years ago

Component: --Unset--Engine: Titanic

comment:2 by dreammaster, 6 years ago

Owner: set to dreammaster
Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

I'm sorry, but adding support for another language is no easy matter. When I added support for German, it took over a month of work to do so. At the very least, each and every movie filename was different in the German version, so I had to spend time reversing the German game executable enough to identify them. Likewise, sounds were different, and the parser had extra logic for handling differences in the German language. That's why I haven't worked on adding support for the rare French version.. it takes a lot of work, for a release very few people are likely to have.

I may revisit adding support for these other languages if GOG can secure the right to distribute them, since at least there'll be an easy way for people to purchase it. So you could either try to petition GOG to obtain the rights to distribute them (Russian and/or French), or find someone willing to work on adding support for them.. I'll be happy to provide an IDB of the English version on request for anyone interested in working on support.

comment:3 by StalinEXE, 6 years ago

Actually, I don't believe that GOG will add translation from Fargus at least for the next n years. But I've already found one team, who adopts translations for the modern releases. It costs money, but I'll try to order this work.

If it will be successfull, I send new md5 checksums to this tracker. Wish me a luck.

comment:4 by dreammaster, 6 years ago

Good tuck. Just keep in mind that fan translations are only supported if they're released as a patch for an existing version, and not as a release of the full game that is patched, since that would count as piracy. On the plus side, if a Russian translation were based on the English version, for example, it would make it easier to support, since all the movies and sounds would be the same.. it'd just need some minor work to add the necessary data for Russian into create_titanic. In addition to all the changes they'd need to do to in-game text, font, etc.

comment:5 by StalinEXE, 6 years ago

I know it. Funny, but author's rights is the most interesting thing that I found out while learning to use Linux a lot of years ago.

I guess that English version from GOG/Steam will be great and the only one variant for making translation. Unfortunatly, there are no any other ways to get game legally and easily. Furthermore some common games from USA or Europe were extremely rare in my country. Most of our gamers don't know about Titanic and I want help ScummVM project with testing + help with translation of game because we don't have a lot of people who can more or else speak English, understand and play games.

I don't know about technology of "chatting" inside game for using commands and how to teach the game to understand non-English commands, but Fargus made this for us without official SDK or sources, so I hope that our enthusiasts will be able to repeat this feat.

If they can do this, I'll attach patch to my request and give any other information for you.

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