Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #10267

10/06/17 00:27:29 (7 years ago)


  • Ticket #10267

    • Property Keywords sci32 added
    • Property Summary SCI: King's Quest VII defaults to half-size moviesSCI: KQ7: Force game to default to full-size movies
  • Ticket #10267 – Description

    initial v1  
    1 This isn't a huge problem - actually the low quality and resolution make the intro movie look better in half-size. But still, some players are likely to prefer full size, and it is a little annoying that the only way to watch the intro movie that way in ScummVM is to start a game, change the Movie size settings to full, quit back to the in-game main menu and then select Watch intro. I'm not sure what the ideal solution here is, but it might be to add movie size as a game setting in the ScummVM launcher.
     1KQ7 defaults movie playback to half-size. This isn't a huge problem - actually the low quality and resolution make the intro movie look better in half-size. But still, some players are likely to prefer full size, and it is a little annoying that the only way to watch the intro movie that way in ScummVM is to start a game, change the Movie size settings to full, quit back to the in-game main menu and then select Watch intro. I'm not sure what the ideal solution here is, but it might be to add movie size as a game setting in the ScummVM launcher.