Opened 7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

#10069 closed defect (invalid)

SCI: LSL7 DE: Boning Easter Egg not working (Text input too short)

Reported by: ADeadTrousers Owned by: csnover
Priority: low Component: Engine: SCI
Version: Keywords: sci32
Cc: Game: Leisure Suit Larry 7


The easter egg in front of the boning suite does not work.
Normally you would be able to "unzip" the fly on the middle left statue and if you press the door bell after that the easter egg should be activated. Currently the torch changes to the last statue on the right side after pressing the button and nothing "easter worthy" happens.

I use the german version 1.04g on Window 10 (1703) 64bit and SCUMMVM 1.10.0git4294-ga851c3b184

Attachments (2)

lsl7-cd-de.001 (81.8 KB ) - added by ADeadTrousers 7 years ago.
savegame right at the suit
lsl7-cd-de.002 (88.5 KB ) - added by ADeadTrousers 7 years ago.
The correct save game ;)

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (10)

by ADeadTrousers, 7 years ago

Attachment: lsl7-cd-de.001 added

savegame right at the suit

comment:1 by csnover, 7 years ago

Keywords: sci32 added
Summary: LSL7 - Boning Easter Egg not workingSCI: LSL7: Boning Easter Egg not working

comment:2 by katamu, 7 years ago

Tested this easter in the english version 1.01 and it works fine. make sure you're doing unzip on the 'bulge' and not the statue itself.

comment:3 by csnover, 7 years ago

Owner: set to ADeadTrousers
Resolution: worksforme
Status: newpending

I am also unable to reproduce any problem with this easter egg when running English 1.01.

savegame right at the suit

I presume that the save game attached to this ticket is the wrong one since it starts in Larry’s room and has not unlocked the Owner’s Suite location.

Currently the torch changes to the last statue on the right side after pressing the button and nothing "easter worthy" happens.

The torches alight based on Larry’s proximity to them, not as a result of any easter egg activation in this location.

If you would, please reverify this behaviour following katamu’s instruction, and if it is still not working, please upload the save game at the Owner’s Suite. Thanks!

Last edited 7 years ago by csnover (previous) (diff)

comment:4 by ADeadTrousers, 7 years ago

Sorry, I mixed up the save game.
And yes i "unzipped" the bulge. It's not working.
Maybe because of the german version:
At the fashion contest the verb to scan the TMT card is "Reißverschluss öffnen" (unzip). But this is to long to enter in the Textbox. So I tried "öffnen" (open) or "aufmachen" but these do not work either.
I just searched the net for the german easteregg guide:
There you can see the verb is "Reißverschluss öffnen" which is too long for the input.

by ADeadTrousers, 7 years ago

Attachment: lsl7-cd-de.002 added

The correct save game ;)

comment:5 by ADeadTrousers, 7 years ago

Owner: ADeadTrousers removed
Summary: SCI: LSL7: Boning Easter Egg not workingSCI: LSL7 DE: Boning Easter Egg not working (Text input too short)

comment:6 by ADeadTrousers, 7 years ago

Resolution: worksforme
Status: pendingnew

comment:7 by csnover, 7 years ago

Owner: set to csnover
Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

Thanks for your report! In the YouTube video, the verb used is “Reißvershluß öffnen”, not “Reißvershluss öffnen”. Using this form, the easter egg is triggered correctly in ScummVM.

Last edited 7 years ago by csnover (previous) (diff)

comment:8 by ADeadTrousers, 7 years ago

Oh, shit... You are right. I totally missed that.
“Reißvershluss öffnen” is the new form (new german orthography)
“Reißvershluß öffnen” is the old form (old german orthography)
The game is that old of course ;)

Version 0, edited 7 years ago by ADeadTrousers (next)
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