Exec module number 0 script entry number 23 Loading script module #0 loadResource 0 Loading module base... loadResource 1 string[0]=I don't see anything here... perhaps the next building will hold a valuable clue. string[1]=I'm here to assist you, not intimidate you. I'll do as you wish. string[2]=Here again? string[3]=A fortune-teller hears many things, perhaps what she says will be useful. string[4]=I'll wait out here, the tent is small enough without me in it. string[5]=This was one of the best faires we've ever had. Well, for most of us, anyway. string[6]=It appears to be the only route through to the Wildlands. string[7]=Such a maze! The dogs must be able to sniff their way through. string[8]=You must get through, it's our only chance. string[9]=I never doubted you'd save us. string[10]=It will take all of us to remove that block. string[11]=Let's go! string[12]=I miss my pasture. string[13]=It's good to be away from those dogs. string[14]=You've had a chance to explore this area. Where do we go from here? string[15]=If we went any higher, we would be broaching the Land of Clouds itself. string[16]=Let's visit that house. string[17]=I like these high places. string[18]=This is most foolish. We are the last people the Forest King wants to see. I suggest we continue our search. string[19]=Your Majesty. We're sorry to have disturbed you. Good day to you, Sire. string[20]=So this is what the Boars call "home". string[21]=They must be away for the day...or asleep. string[22]=We shouldn't disturb this person. string[23]=What are we doing here? string[24]=Rats! These awful creatures make me want to stampede! string[25]=It's late, I think we'd better go. string[26]=It's been a pleasure to meet you. string[27]=Let's hope we get somewhere with these Ferrets. string[28]=I don't think we're going to get a straight answer from this fellow. string[29]=Perhaps this one has an answer to our problem. string[30]=Perhaps this excellent craftsman will provide a solution to our problems. string[31]=We're on the right track! I can feel it. string[32]=I'll bet I could jump this gate if I really wanted to. string[33]=I must say I admire this woman, Elara. string[34]=The temple looks quite beautiful from here. string[35]=The wetness, the tossing, the danger... I hate boats. string[36]=Well, here we are -- standing at the edge of yet another unknown land. string[37]=She must certainly value her privacy to hide like this. string[38]=This is a strange place to live. string[39]=Do you have any idea where you're going? string[40]=I think it's time to escape. string[41]=If the raccoon has the Orb, and the raccoon is here, we can't just leave without looking for it. The Orb might be right under our noses! string[42]=I don't like this place. string[43]=So this is Gar's den. A small place for such a "mighty" leader. string[44]=It's impressive, but why would anyone build such a useless thing? string[45]=Perhaps that thing is here to keep other tribes out. string[46]=Amazing, a painting that moves! string[47]=Each of these buildings is more strange than the last. string[48]=Oooh! Cool refreshing water. string[49]=Finally, another forest to explore and enjoy. string[50]=We Elk are known for our sure-footedness. Let me try to cross it. string[51]=C'mon, we're nearly across these mountains. string[52]=Who could have made these gems and why would he place them here? string[53]=What a lovely horizon. There have been times lately when I've wondered if I would ever see another one. string[54]=Who could have built them? Do you think it could have been... The Humans? string[55]=What a strange building! string[56]=Perhaps there are things here we can use. string[57]=This is the strangest room yet...and that's really saying something. string[58]=No land that isn't green can truly be worth the visit. string[59]=Bees deserve more respect than to be run out of their home. string[60]=These rooms have a special beauty I never would have expected, and a sadness at being so empty. string[61]=Okk, at times like this I can understand your preference for small, enclosed spaces. string[62]=I hear something up above. string[63]=Let's go! string[64]=I doubt visiting any of these buildings will help us find the orb. string[65]=I have my orders to help you. Lead on as you wish, but I'll be watching everything you do. string[66]=I feel like we're going in circles. string[67]=These fortune-tellers don't know anything. I prefer the Wild-Guess method, myself. string[68]=This little sneak can't be trusted. Believe me. string[69]=I barely got a chance to enjoy the faire and here I am on assignment again. string[70]=Very impressive for a doghouse. string[71]=We shouldn't stop to talk. We should keep moving, NOW! string[72]=Rif, what are you doing here? string[73]=You are an honorable warrior to have returned. string[74]=Let's try to remove that block. string[75]=Let's get out of here! string[76]=I don't think I like it in here. Too many dog smells. But I do like the dankness. string[77]=Let's avoid this place in the future. string[78]=Let's avoid this place in the future. string[79]=It's...it's just the...thin...air...hard to...breathe...I'll be alright...in a ...moment. string[80]=I think there may be someone at home. string[81]=I'll never remember all the things he's told us. string[82]=Plants, flowers, sunshine... you know it scares me a little. string[83]=How can you stand to live among so much green? Ecch, what a color. string[84]=Home, sweet home. string[85]=I remember guard duty. What misery. string[86]=So you tell us big furry cats live here, eh? string[87]=We'll never get anywhere this way. string[88]=There isn't time for socializing. string[89]=Everyplace else has guards, the RAT guards must be watching from someplace... string[90]=It's late, I think we'd better go. string[91]=It's been a pleasure to meet you. string[92]=Plants, flowers, sunshine... you know it scares me a little. string[93]=Okk, please try not to intimidate the Ferrets. string[94]=Who, me? string[95]=I must say, I'm showing a great deal of restraint. string[96]=This odd fellow may be our last chance. string[97]=I wonder if these guys are handy around the house. string[98]=Be careful, Rif. Overlook nothing! string[99]=I like big gates, they give me a good, secure feeling. string[100]=These clean and shiny walls make me very uncomfortable. string[101]=The temple looks quite boring from here. string[102]=The wetness, the tossing, the danger... I love boats. string[103]=Maybe we're chasing the wrong raccoon. Maybe he didn't steal the Orb at all. string[104]=A vegetable garden? For a wolf? string[105]=I like secret passages, I really do. string[106]=...that my stomach is hungry. string[107]=My instincts are telling me... string[108]=I hate it when we're trying to get away, and you just want to talk! string[109]=We should search quickly and get out of here. string[110]=I don't like this place. string[111]=A leader without his own bath doesn't deserve any respect at all. string[112]=There seems to be water coming out of the windows in that building. Very disturbing. string[113]=It looks like some sort of huge wall. string[114]=Everything is white. Why can't they paint their buildings a proper brown. string[115]=What is that blinking device? string[116]=Water this clear makes me nervous. string[117]=Not bad, Elk. Not bad at all. string[118]=Are you sure this is the right way? string[119]=This is the kind of place I like! string[120]=Watch your step. string[121]=Don't worry about me. string[122]=And the last place was really strange! string[123]=Each place we visit seems stranger than the last. string[124]=And what are those? Some sort of houses? string[125]=This place is a mess. That's why I like it. string[126]=There's something about this place I don't like. Too many things flashing. string[127]=These rooms are too filled with noise and ghosts and broken machines. Let's keep moving. string[128]=Huh? What did you say? I can't hear you! string[129]=Now this is the kind of place I could really live in...given a little more rubbish on the floor, of course. string[130]=Finally, someplace without a bunch of plants and trees. string[131]=Oh no, not another tree... string[132]=Are you sure this is the right way? string[133]=There's no place to open it. string[134]=Nothing to open, looks like. string[135]=There's no opening to close. string[136]=Nothing to close, looks like. string[137]=I can't figure out how to use it. string[138]=I don't know how to use it. string[139]=Nothing special about it. string[140]=We don't have it to give. string[141]=We already have that. string[142]=I'd rather not. string[143]=What are you looking at? string[144]=We don't have it to give. string[145]=We already have that. string[146]=I'd rather not. string[147]=I see you admire my noble bearing. string[148]=That would be messy. string[149]=Perhaps these will lead us to the thief. string[150]=These might be a valuable clue. string[151]=I wonder where they came from? string[152]=I've never seen berries like this before. string[153]=Use this magic hat to teleport to other scenes. string[154]=Enter the new scene number. string[155]=I hope we find the foot that matches this. string[156]=This plaster is heavy. string[157]=Better not, or this stuff will be everywhere. string[158]=It's already closed. string[159]=Better save it for later. string[160]=There's nothing much plainer than a bag of plaster. string[161]=They can't be used. They're broken. string[162]=What odd pieces of glass. string[163]=Only Tycho knows how to do that. string[164]=What an odd design. How does it work? string[165]=I wonder what it unlocks? string[166]=This is the key from Prince's bedroom. string[167]=A key! string[168]=Ouch!!! string[169]=These twigs look like they might burn easily. string[170]=Nothing special about it. string[171]=All I need is a spark to light it. string[172]=Now I have tinder for a fire. string[173]=It's tasty but I'd better save some for more important things. string[174]=It doesn't seem to accomplish much. string[175]=There's nothing inside. string[176]=The little cylinder came out again, and the lights went out. string[177]=It seems to fit right inside. string[178]=I'll bet this little cylinder has the power to make things glow. string[179]=The jewels on the triangle started to glow. string[180]=I'm not quite sure how to use it. string[181]=It seems like there's a part missing. string[182]=It's a metallic triangle with some jewel-like decorations. string[183]=Hmm. I wonder what it is. string[184]=A strange, metallic triangle. string[185]=This might come in handy. string[186]=It's a screwdriver. string[187]=Nothing to use it on. string[188]=There's nothing inside. string[189]=And there's a little door on the back. string[190]=It's got little glowing red symbols. string[191]=There's nothing inside. string[192]=And the little red numbers stopped glowing. string[193]=Hey! A tiny golden cylinder popped out. string[194]=When I put the little cylinder back in, the numbers start glowing again. string[195]=I'm not quite sure how to use it. string[196]=Fly away, little bees. string[197]=I shall take a small portion of your golden treasure and see that it is put to good use. string[198]=I suppose I could light these twigs on fire, but I'll need to gather them into a pile first. string[199]=Hey! string[200]=Good idea. string[201]=That doesn't seem to work. string[202]=Hmm, a piece of flint. string[203]=If I had some steel, and something to burn, I could start a fire. string[204]=I'm already wearing it. string[205]=The cloak doesn't have pockets. string[206]=If I pick it up they'll see a fox underneath! string[207]=I hope this disguise works. string[208]=I can get it when I leave. string[209]= string[210]=I already have a cloak. string[211]=Rat cloaks... and they look about my size. string[212]=What a lovely rock crystal! I'm sure it must be worth something to somebody. string[213]=This must be worth something if I can just break it off. string[214]=What a lovely rock crystal! string[215]=I'd better save these for later. string[216]=These must be freshly minted. string[217]=Let's see where we are. string[218]=It's not nice to open other people's mail. string[219]=It's already sealed. string[220]=There's nothing to use it for. string[221]=I must deliver this for Elara. string[222]=There's not much use for this. string[223]=Next time, this will be gold! string[224]=There is no way to open a medallion. string[225]=There's not much use for this. string[226]=It's getting pretty hard and dry, though. string[227]=What an odd red color. string[228]=Better hang on to this. string[229]=What an odd design. The head of a wolf. string[230]=Better save this for later. string[231]=Quite an intricate design! string[232]=It looks like an ordinary cup. string[233]=Sorry. It's empty. string[234]=Just your average garden-variety bucket. string[235]=Looks good. Now, to use it before it dries. string[236]=I don't think they'd want to wear it. string[237]=Dumping buckets of cold water on people's heads isn't generally considered polite. string[238]=Dumping wet plaster on people's heads usually leads to hard feelings. string[239]=I don't think putting that in the bucket will be of any use. string[240]=Well, I dumped the water out, but it doesn't seem to have done much good. string[241]=I don't think people would appreciate it if I dumped plaster all over this. string[242]=It's already open. string[243]=I can't close a bucket. string[244]=A bag of fertilizer. For the garden, no doubt. string[245]=This would make a lovely gift for the Boar King. string[246]=Now what am I going to do with a cup of that? string[247]=No time for gardening now. string[248]=Phew! string[249]=Good idea! string[250]=I don't think I want to carry this around. string[251]=Looks like a hummingbird feeder. string[252]=It doesn't have much use unless I'm a hummingbird. string[253]=Nothing in there but sugar water. string[254]=It's already closed. string[255]=If I take it, then the birds won't have anything to eat. string[256]=I'm not quite sure how to use it. string[257]=It's a little metallic cylinder that came out of the box with the glowing red numbers on it. string[258]=I have nothing to tie up. string[259]=It's a thick black cable with little metal strands inside. string[260]=It's not dark enough to need a lamp. string[261]=It's a fine brass oil lamp, full of oil. string[262]=If I do that, the oil will spill out. string[263]=It's already closed. string[264]=I'm not sure how to use it. string[265]=It's a thin card with metallic markings on it. string[266]=I'll need something to help me reach it. string[267]=I'd need a cat for that. string[268]=Interesting smell. string[269]=I wonder if this was made by the humans? string[270]=I didn't know these things were so expensive -- I hope it's worth it. string[271]=It's a small silver needle and some cotton thread. loadResource 30 opEnter opOne opCcallV Calling 0xB sfLockUser argCount=1 Interface::setMode 0 opGetInt 0x500 opJmpSwitch opCall opEnter opGetInt 0x500 opJmpSwitch opReturnV opZero opCcallV Calling 0xB sfLockUser argCount=1 opReturnV