Custom Query (27 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Component Version
#12565 PRIVATE: Casebook inaccesible new feature request low Engine: Private
#14863 PRIVATE: use original cursors from the exe new feature request high Engine: Private
#13264 HYPNO: Puzzle timer: Marvel Comics Spider-Man: The Sinister Six (German version) new defect normal Engine: Hypno
#13268 HYPNO: Music stops playing when someone starts talking and starts again after the whole dialogue is finished new defect normal Engine: Hypno
#13472 HYPNO: Some of the hotkeys detailed in the manual do not work yet with ScummVM new defect normal Engine: Hypno
#13592 HYPNO: Menu button visible for too long (Spider-Man: The Sinister Six) new defect low Engine: Hypno
#13663 HYPNO: Slow frame rate, navigation issue and frequent sound pops new defect normal Engine: Hypno
#13773 HYPNO: Some sound/music is missing in Soldier Boyz new defect normal Engine: Hypno
#13774 HYPNO: Difficulty levels are not implemented in Soldier Boyz new defect normal Engine: Hypno
#14535 WETLANDS: missing korean text in the localized release new defect normal Engine: Hypno
#14557 HYPNO: Screen mode should change when cutscenes are playing new defect normal Engine: Hypno
#14828 HYPNO: Using alternative fire during missile sequences will trigger a large number of video playbacks new defect high Engine: Hypno
#15344 HYPNO: different Wetland pointers during arcade mode are missing new defect low Engine: Hypno
#15345 HYPNO: previous mission replay in the same chapter not implemented in Wetlands new defect normal Engine: Hypno
#15347 Bad performance under Android in menu of Spider Man: Sinsiter Six new defect normal Engine: Hypno
#13942 FREESCAPE: Add "Virtual Worlds" Atari ST support pending feature request normal Engine: Freescape
#13954 FREESCAPE: certain UI elements are not implemented yet in Driller pending defect normal Engine: Freescape
#13956 FREESCAPE: intro title sequences are not completely implemented in Driller pending defect normal Engine: Freescape
#13957 FREESCAPE: Demo mode does not match the original implementation in Driller pending defect normal Engine: Freescape
#14073 FREESCAPE: several types of rendering artifacts are visible new defect normal Engine: Freescape
#14628 FREESCAPE: certain UI elements are not implemented yet in Dark Side new defect normal Engine: Freescape
#14836 FREESCAPE: Amiga/AtariST releases of Dark Side are not supported yet new defect normal Engine: Freescape
#15043 FREESCAPE: CPC sounds are not implemented new defect high Engine: Freescape
#15044 FREESCAPE: C64 releases are not supported new defect high Engine: Freescape
#15045 FREESCAPE: certain UI elements are not implemented yet in Total Eclipse new defect normal Engine: Freescape
#15049 FREESCAPE: DOS/CGA render mode need work new defect normal Engine: Freescape
#15331 FREESCAPE: width of rendered lines depends on the computer resolution new defect normal Engine: Freescape
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