Custom Query (1027 matches)


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Results (801 - 900 of 1027)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#15238 ZVISION: ZGI: Proper Dolby Digital 5.1 support new feature request normal Engine: ZVision
#15239 GRAPHICS: Support double height resolutions new feature request normal Graphics
#15247 SCI: PEPPER: Walk glitch when picking up Franklin's pamphlet from the printing press new defect normal Engine: SCI
#15249 MM: XEEN: Protection From Elements Bug new defect normal Engine: MM: Xeen
#15253 MOHAWK: Riven: Spinning dome opening switch input is not matched to corresponding symbol timing new defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#15254 MOHAWK: Riven: Trapping self in trap book results in ending videos beginning prematurely new defect normal Engine: Mohawk
#15257 GOB: Goblins 1 - amiga version - fade in problems after the intro new defect normal Engine: Gob
#15265 TINSEL: Virtual keyboard gets hidden when skipping cutscenes or at the end of cutscenes new defect normal Engine: Tinsel
#15271 TINYGL: glPolygonStipple seems to work when looking at one side only new defect normal Graphics
#15272 TINYGL: triangle fan produces less triangles than expected? new defect normal Graphics
#15280 GRIM: Keymap for Pick up/Take away doesn't work in Spanish version new defect normal Engine: Grim
#15284 TOON: Support running in 320x200 modes new feature request normal Engine: Toon
#15294 AGS: Frequent use of bitwise OR/ANDs instead of logical operators [upstream "bug"] new defect normal Engine: AGS
#15297 MYST3: Persistent video in scene is out of sync with end of full screen animation new defect normal Engine: Myst3
#15306 TINSEL: Various glitches in Discworld1 Macintosh Japanese new defect normal Engine: Tinsel
#15307 AGS: The Blackwell Legacy - Music keeps playing on dev commentary new defect normal Engine: AGS
#15313 STARK: TLJ: April should run when double-clicking on action icon in pop-up new feature request normal Engine: Stark
#15316 MTROPOLIS: Undetected mTropolis Titles new defect normal Engine: MTROPOLIS
#15320 SCI: KQ6: Volume settings do not change the volume of videos new defect normal Engine: SCI
#15328 GUI: Some strings missing French translation new defect normal GUI: Translations
#15331 FREESCAPE: width of rendered lines depends on the computer resolution new neuromancer defect normal Engine: Freescape
#15333 GROOVIE: T11H: Implement support for spooky animation mode new feature request normal Engine: Groovie
#15334 GROOVIE: T11H: Implement support for 8bit and 16bit color depth new feature request normal Engine: Groovie
#15339 SCI: KQ6: Distorted music when using NukedOPL new defect normal Engine: SCI
#15340 GUI: ANDROID: IOS: Portrait layout issue for "Add anyway" button new defect normal GUI
#15341 GOB: Goblins 2 - Missing footsteps sound effect in Floppy version new bluegr defect normal Engine: Gob
#15342 ULTIMA8: Problem with fonts substitution in spanish version new defect normal Engine: Ultima
#15344 HYPNO: different Wetland pointers during arcade mode are missing new neuromancer defect low Engine: Hypno
#15345 HYPNO: previous mission replay in the same chapter not implemented in Wetlands new neuromancer feature request normal Engine: Hypno
#15349 SCUMM: MM (NES) - Known implementation inaccuracies new defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#15351 ZVISION: ZGI: Save game can get stuck in a death loop new defect normal Engine: ZVision
#15355 Zork Grand Inquisitor does not show autosaves in it's menu new feature request normal Engine: ZVision
#15356 AGS: Implement custom keymapper for a selection of games new feature request high Engine: AGS
#15357 BACKENDS: WII: SCUMM: Wrong colors for cursor objects in COMI new defect normal Port: Wii
#15364 ANDROID: SCUMM: SIGSEGV when pausing sounds new defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#15369 SCUMM: MI (Sega MegaCD) - audio pops at the end of every SBL sound effect new defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#15373 ULTIMA8: Original Cheats Not Available new feature request normal Engine: Ultima
#15375 SCI: SQ4 Korean text not rendered after refactor new defect normal Engine: SCI
#15378 DIRECTOR: Show Required Director Version In GUI Game Chooser new feature request normal Engine: Director
#15388 TWINE: LBA: Bulldozer driven by Twinsen can get stuck behind truck (soft lock) new defect normal Engine: TwinE
#15393 BACKENDS: PSP: BLADERUNNER: Crash on start on PSP 3004 (Slim) new defect normal Port: PSP
#15394 BACKENDS: PSP: ULTIMA8: Crash after Pentagram logo new defect normal Port: PSP
#15395 TWINE: Shading Palette loss of colours?! new defect normal Engine: TwinE
#15396 TWINE: Menu Plasma loss of quality new defect normal Engine: TwinE
#15399 GRAPHICS: Main window has no minimum size on Linux new defect low GUI
#15403 SHERLOCK: Mouse clicks may be ignored new defect normal Engine: Sherlock
#15404 SCUMM: DOTT: nothing clickable after loading save game new defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#15405 DIRECTOR: Ray Bradbury's Martian Chronicles (D4) - Divide by Zero Error new defect normal Engine: Director
#15406 A better way to enable or disable and configure gamepads/joysticks new feature request normal GUI
#15409 TWINE: the holomap rotation is slow and location interaction is weird new defect normal Engine: TwinE
#15412 SCUMM/HE: Backyard Baseball 97 from Steam crashes ScummVM new defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#15413 AGOS: SIMON1: displayBoxStars() uses wrong color for Amiga CD32 version new defect normal Engine: AGOS
#15422 CRAB: Resolution option is non-functional new feature request normal Engine: CRAB
#15425 SCUMM: FOA: Broken music when loading savegame in Thera and Crete new defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#15426 SWORD25: After death fmv was playing, load savegame screen defaces new defect normal Engine: Sword25
#15427 STARK: Pressing F5 and clicking "Main Menu" does not open TLJ main menu new defect normal Engine: Stark
#15429 FREESCAPE: gate effect is missing in Castle Master new neuromancer defect normal Engine: Freescape
#15430 DGDS: Rise of the Dragon thought bubbles are slightly off new defect normal Engine: DGDS
#15431 DGDS: dragon: Background around Karyn disappears when talking to her in city office new defect normal Engine: DGDS
#15432 DGDS: dragon: key mapping not supported for arcade sequences new defect normal Engine: DGDS
#15433 DGDS: Hot area keyboard shortcuts not supported new defect normal Engine: DGDS
#15434 DGDS: dragon: EGA menu colors are wrong new defect normal Engine: DGDS
#15435 DGDS: dragon: "Maybe save before arcade" reappears after saving and loading new defect low Engine: DGDS
#15455 ULTIMA6: party roster doesn't work with "new style" game style new defect normal Engine: Ultima
#15459 AGS: Saves don't take account of game versions and may not be interchangeable new feature request normal Engine: AGS
#15462 ULTIMA6: Remove obsolete options from Nuvie options menu new feature request low Engine: Ultima
#15463 AGS: Urban Witch Story - Sprite glitching in and out depending on the player location new defect low Engine: AGS
#15465 FREESCAPE: Total Eclipse 2 is still very unstable new neuromancer defect normal Engine: Freescape
#15466 FREESCAPE: CPC disk release of Total Eclipse is unsupported new neuromancer feature request normal Engine: Freescape
#15468 SCUMM: FOA (Amiga): Copy protection screen bug new defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#15469 FREESCAPE: Driller end game seems buggy new neuromancer defect normal Engine: Freescape
#15470 FREESCAPE: UI is not pixel perfect new neuromancer defect normal Engine: Freescape
#15474 MD5: FREESCAPE: Unknown Driller variant (Atari ST) new neuromancer defect normal Engine: Freescape
#15476 SWORD2: PSX: Unhandled Multi-track Video new defect normal Engine: Sword2
#15480 DIRECTOR: Interactive Bible For Kids - The Life Of Paul [D5] (A Full Compatibility Report) new defect normal Engine: Director
#15485 Sam and Max Hit the Road - Floppy Version- Copyprotection On/Off switch implementation in options new feature request normal Engine: SCUMM
#15486 TINYGL: triangles always override zbuffer from lines? new defect normal Graphics
#15489 SAGA: IHNM fails to start on the 3DS new defect high Engine: SAGA
#15493 BACKENDS: 3DS: Detection is very slow new defect normal Port: 3DS
#15494 DREAMCAST: Re-enable SCUMM v7 and v8 games? new feature request normal Port: Dreamcast
#15496 GUI: Text glitches in low resolution mode new defect normal GUI
#15499 TINYGL: Support paletted textures new feature request normal Graphics
#15509 SCUMM: Detection of Mac version of MI1 from the LucasArts Mac CD Game Pack is broken when using Dumper Companion new defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#15511 MD5: ULTIMA6: Patched game variant with german translation new defect normal Engine: Ultima
#15512 IMGUI Backend OpenGL2 ? new feature request normal Ports
#15515 TOUCHE: Audio mixer crash when quitting the demo in mid-sentence new defect normal Engine: Touche
#15518 GUI: Game Options dialog can create inconsistent settings new defect normal GUI
#15524 GOB: WOODRUFF - strange mouse pointer behavior new defect normal Engine: Gob
#15528 MD5: WINTERMUTE: 1/2 Ritter Spanish fanmade new defect normal Engine: Wintermute
#15530 BAGEL: Excessive CPU usage new dreammaster defect normal Engine: BAGEL
#15531 GRIM: Manny completely black in first demo room on MacBook Air M1 (OpenGL renderer) new defect high Engine: Grim
#15534 SCUMM: Support the Mac GUI in the demo version of Indy 4 new feature request normal Engine: SCUMM
#15536 DGDS: Text wrapping algorithm does not match original for short dialogs new defect normal Engine: DGDS
#15539 SCUMM: HE: Assertion error crash in Spy Fox 2 "Things From Space" minigame new defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#15540 WINTERMUTE: Shader renderer depends on fixed-function APIs new defect normal Engine: Wintermute
#15542 DEMOS: Add The Watchmaker demo to the website new feature request normal Web
#15543 MYST3: Shaders not working with Myst III: Exile new feature request normal Engine: Myst3
#15548 SCUMM/HE: PUTTPUTT - mouse cursor is not scaled for Windows game versions new defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#15552 SCUMM/HE: PUTTMOON - disappearing sprite on first screen in Windows version new defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#15553 SCI: QFG2 Hangs After Purchasing Saurus new defect normal Engine: SCI
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