Custom Query (26 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#11483 ZVISION: ZGI: Music broke new Zork, Grand Inquisitor, Music defect high
#12532 PORTS: ANDROID: Mouse Cursor Snaps to Top Left Corner on Android 8.1.0 Device pending android touch mouse cursor snap top left lephilousophe defect normal
#12717 ILLUSIONS: Duckman: SIGSEGV in startMoveActor() when clicking too early in the first scene new illusions,duckman,crash,actor,cursor defect normal
#12973 STARK: Dialogue line cut in half, stops reproducing new gribbler, dialogue stops, audio issue defect low
#12984 SCUMM: LOOM: Mac version font centering is inaccurate new scumm, loom, macintosh, mac defect normal
#13371 SCUMM: Loom (EGA) - Overlay glitch with edge of distaff in woodbin new overlay, stokes, distaff defect low
#13660 WII: BLADERUNNER: Blade Runner crashes in chinatown or soon after that new Wii, crash, chinatown defect normal
#13711 SLUDGE: NSC Crashes in opening credits new loadCustomData defect normal
#13899 DIRECTOR: Opera Fatal gameplay issue update new Director, Opera Fatal defect normal
#14311 ULTIMA8: Disappearing Stepping Stone new stone, lava defect low
#14424 SHERLOCK: ROSETATTOO: Items in the Chinese version cannot be used new Chinese, interactivity, inventory defect normal
#14559 ANDROID: Crash when a bluetooth keyboard reconnects on Android 7 device new crash, bluetooth, keyboard defect normal
#14594 TONY: Tony Tough issues/crash on MacOS new tonytough defect normal
#14755 DIRECTOR: Alice - An Interactive Museum gameplay issues new Alice Director defect normal
#14768 SCI: SQ1: Sound Cuts Off in Star Generator Room on Deltaur new original SQ1 SCI, Star Generator, sound defect low
#14883 ANDROID: Cursor position is not adjusted when virtual keyboard is shown/hidden new orientation, virtual keyboard, toggle, pointer position defect normal
#15016 COMMON: macresman.cpp (i think) interferes with "Mass Add" new director engine defect normal
#15021 Macintosh sound only available on MAC OS X with SCI engine new Macintosh SCI defect normal
#15154 DIRECTOR: Interactive Bible For Kids [D5] Menu Buttons not working new unknown-game, broken-buttons, broken defect normal
#15280 GRIM: Keymap for Pick up/Take away doesn't work in Spanish version new spanish inventory grinder keymap shortcut defect normal
#15306 TINSEL: Various glitches in Discworld1 Macintosh Japanese new japanese,macintosh,glitches,ADGF_UNSTABLE defect normal
#15340 GUI: ANDROID: IOS: Portrait layout issue for "Add anyway" button new Portrait, add anyway, button, ios, android defect normal
#11462 IOS: Apple Magic Keyboard support new magic keyboard, touchpad, ipad feature request normal
#13418 Consider implementing auto-complete for individual games that can support it. new text-adventure autocomplete feature request normal
#15056 TETRAEDGE: Add ScummVM option to hide empty inventory box new Inventory, hack feature request normal
#15139 Implement engine for Media Station, Inc. games new engine engine-skeleton unknown-game feature request normal
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