Custom Query (9 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#11274 SCI: LSL7: Cannot input regional Polish characters, thus cannot finish the game new "Other" input sev- defect normal
#11724 SWORD25: Slow video and out of synch audio on old Android devices new Android, out of synch, slow, video, theora defect low
#13074 PRINCE: Timing issue / Scene skipping new Galador, Text skip, unwinnable mini game, Prince and the Coward defect normal
#14258 AGS: Dreams in the Witch House: character briefly appearing after logo new Dreams in the Witch House defect low
#14452 TETRAEDGE: Syberia 1/2 very slow video rendering issues in menus new performance,theora defect normal
#14458 GUI: Modern "non-fancy" themes do not take shading into account when building layout new gui, themes defect normal
#14747 BACKENDS: HAIKU: ScummVM 2.7.1 build crashes when pressing "F5/F1" to open the menu on "Day of the Tentacle" pending Haiku,DOTT,day_of_the_tentacle dwatteau defect normal
#15215 SCUMM: DIG: Error box 29 is out of bounds in ScummVM 2.8.1 new The Dig box out bounds AndywinXp defect normal
#13239 ScummVM Classic Theme: Translation into other languages. new Classic theme, translation, languages, update feature request normal
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