Custom Query (35 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#15542 DEMOS: Add The Watchmaker demo to the website new feature request normal Web
#14280 VIDEO: VideoDecoder::loadStream() may delete the stream on failure new defect normal Video
#12978 KEYMAPPER: Separate the virtual mouse from the global keymap new feature request normal Ports
#14441 BACKENDS: Add abstraction for read/write locks new feature request low Ports
#14554 PLUGINS: ELF loader doesn't handle mixed ARM and Thumb code new sev- feature request high Ports
#13938 RISCOS: Investigate support for building with EABI toolchains? new feature request low Port: RISC OS
#15194 BACKENDS: DS: Switching to an unsupported resolution should return an error new defect normal Port: NDS
#15196 DS: Limited virtual keyboard support new feature request normal Port: NDS
#15204 DS: Improve touch screen input new feature request normal Port: NDS
#15494 DREAMCAST: Re-enable SCUMM v7 and v8 games? new feature request normal Port: Dreamcast
#14110 ANDROID: STARK: Actors are missing when using the OpenGL with shaders renderer new defect normal Port: Android
#15493 BACKENDS: 3DS: Detection is very slow new defect normal Port: 3DS
#15239 GRAPHICS: Support double height resolutions new feature request normal Graphics
#15499 TINYGL: Support paletted textures new feature request normal Graphics
#15540 WINTERMUTE: Shader renderer depends on fixed-function APIs new defect normal Engine: Wintermute
#15284 TOON: Support running in 320x200 modes new feature request normal Engine: Toon
#15156 SCUMM: Skipped dialogue in Full Throttle with the DS port new defect normal Engine: SCUMM
#15534 SCUMM: Support the Mac GUI in the demo version of Indy 4 new feature request normal Engine: SCUMM
#14173 SCI: Support Cinepak dithering with QuickTime videos new feature request normal Engine: SCI
#14558 SCI: Use the SCI32 SOL decoder for SCI 0-1.1 games new feature request normal Engine: SCI
#15489 SAGA: IHNM fails to start on the 3DS new defect high Engine: SAGA
#15201 PARALLACTION: Use custom actions for the keymapper new defect low Engine: Parallaction
#15202 PARALLACTION: In-application help for the manual protection new feature request low Engine: Parallaction
#15199 MADS: Demos are not supported new feature request normal Engine: MADS
#14557 HYPNO: Screen mode should change when cutscenes are playing new neuromancer defect normal Engine: Hypno
#15197 HUGO: Icon bar gets stuck with the DS port new defect high Engine: Hugo
#14160 GRIM: Patched installers are required even with pre-patched installations new defect low Engine: Grim
#15192 CRYO: Mouse input doesn’t work well with touchscreens and controllers new defect normal Engine: Cryo
#15190 CINE: Operation Stealth demo hangs on the DS new defect high Engine: Cine
#15422 CRAB: Resolution option is non-functional new feature request normal Engine: CRAB
#12674 CGE: Soltys demos are missing new defect low Engine: CGE
#14159 GRIM: MD5 dialog can’t be cancelled in Grim Fandango pending defect normal Common
#14161 ENGINES: Allow running multi-CD games directly from the original discs new feature request low Common
#15183 COMMON: Automatically handle RISC OS files with NFS extensions new feature request normal Common
#12537 AUDIO: Support hardware OPL on Windows new feature request low Audio
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