Custom Query (11 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#15082 AUDIO: Sound skips/pops/stutters on all ScummVM versions on Windows 10/7 new skips, stutters, pops, audio, buffer defect high
#9664 BACKENDS: Win64 - Conf parameter still creates files in %appdata% thus breaking portability (create portable mode) new portable feature request normal
#11344 BLADERUNNER: In Act 4 police officers may run to flee waypoints and clip into scenery new flee, waypoint, pathfinding defect normal
#11439 SCI: Add support for Ultimate Kings Quest 4 with Amiga sounds and Munt Support new King's Quest 4 Amiga sounds and Munt Support feature request normal
#13663 HYPNO: Slow frame rate, navigation issue and frequent sound pops new audio, pops, frame rate neuromancer defect normal
#14262 OSXPPC: ScummVM fails to start without "millions of colors" setting new Mac, PowerPC, SDL jamie-marchant defect normal
#14420 TETRAEDGE: Syberia 1 - Kate's movement is 'jumpy' and not accurate when left-clicking to move her around new Syberia hot spot character movement jumpy click mouse defect normal
#14816 Cleanup feature new cleanup import feature request normal
#14883 ANDROID: Cursor position is not adjusted when virtual keyboard is shown/hidden new orientation, virtual keyboard, toggle, pointer position defect normal
#15316 MTROPOLIS: Undetected mTropolis Titles new mTropolis defect normal
#15340 GUI: ANDROID: IOS: Portrait layout issue for "Add anyway" button new Portrait, add anyway, button, ios, android defect normal
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