Custom Query (7 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#15531 GRIM: Manny completely black in first demo room on MacBook Air M1 (OpenGL renderer) new rendering issue,opengl defect high
#13125 GRIM: Grim Fandango: opengl dialog transcript text errors new grim, opengl, linux, dialog, transcript, 2.5.0 defect normal
#13429 BACKENDS: OPENGL: OpengGL with Shaders over OGLES2 cause visuall trash when we spawn a GUI of Launcher. new OpenGL ES, graphics, GUI, Launcher, AmigaOS4 defect normal
#13767 GRAPHICS: OpenGL screenshots not capturing latest frame if no input new screenshots,opengl defect normal
#14445 GRAPHICS: libTAS crashes SCI with fullscreen video new LibTAS OpenGL GLXBadContext defect normal
#14952 GRAPHICS: Darker colors/contrast in OpenGL mode new OpenGL, Colors, Blacks defect normal
#15512 IMGUI Backend OpenGL2 ? new imgui morphos opengl2 gles1 feature request normal
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