Custom Query (6 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#11439 SCI: Add support for Ultimate Kings Quest 4 with Amiga sounds and Munt Support new King's Quest 4 Amiga sounds and Munt Support feature request normal
#13239 ScummVM Classic Theme: Translation into other languages. new Classic theme, translation, languages, update feature request normal
#13364 FluidSynth: If audio preferred device is set to default, it auto sets to FluidSynth in next startup new music_driver, FluidSynth, Settings, GUI, Start Up defect normal
#14296 ACCESS: Amazon - add support for Super VGA new svga,supervga,super-vga feature request normal
#14631 ANDROID: I need a storage function that can be backed up in an Android environment new Save as backup feature request normal
#14816 Cleanup feature new cleanup import feature request normal
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.