Custom Query (12 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#15337 CLOUD: OneDrive storage doesn't work at all new onedrive defect blocker
#11502 GROOVIE: Support for the 25th Anniverary 7th Guest edtition (multi-lingual) new 7th guest 25th anniversary defect normal
#11949 ULTIMA: Missing/incorrect graphics in the main menu new Ultima IV, Graphics defect normal
#13364 FluidSynth: If audio preferred device is set to default, it auto sets to FluidSynth in next startup new music_driver, FluidSynth, Settings, GUI, Start Up defect normal
#14424 SHERLOCK: ROSETATTOO: Items in the Chinese version cannot be used new Chinese, interactivity, inventory defect normal
#15169 DIRECTOR: El Quijote Interactivo (D4) missing speech, demo not working new El Quijote Interactivo defect normal
#12302 ULTIMA4: Moongate remains on screen new Ultima IV moongate defect low
#12304 ULTIMA4: 2nd combat instance applies Quickness to all party members new Ultima IV quickness combat second dreammaster defect low
#12480 ULTIMA4:: sound FX loops new Ultima IV sound loop defect low
#12481 ULTIMA4: Text Colorization does not work new Ultima IV text colorization defect low
#12597 3DS, MOHAWK: Checkerboard pattern on lower screen in non-video scenes new 3ds, n3ds, mohawk, riven defect low
#13977 AGS: Saving while a text field is visible can result in the savegame name being typed in-game [original bug] new shivahkosher original defect low
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