Ticket #7741: 0006-Add-MSVC10-dists-folder.patch

File 0006-Add-MSVC10-dists-folder.patch, 2.2 KB (added by Templier, 14 years ago)

6 - Add MSVC10 dists folder (batch file and readme)

  • dists/msvc10/create_msvc10.bat

    Property changes on: dists
    Modified: svn:ignore
       - rpl.exe
       + rpl.exe
    Property changes on: dists\msvc10
    Added: svn:ignore
       + *.filters
     1@echo off
     3echo Automatic creation of the MSVC10 project files
     6if not exist create_msvc.exe goto no_tool
     10set /p batchanswer="Enable (S)table engines only, or (A)ll engines? (S/A)"
     11if "%batchanswer%"=="s" goto stable
     12if "%batchanswer%"=="S" goto stable
     13if "%batchanswer%"=="a" goto all
     14if "%batchanswer%"=="A" goto all
     15goto question
     18echo create_msvc.exe not found in the current folder.
     19echo You need to build it first and copy it in this
     20echo folder
     21goto done
     24echo Creating project files with all engines enabled (stable and unstable)
     25create_msvc ..\.. --enable-all-engines --msvc-version 10
     26goto done
     29echo Creating normal project files, with only the stable engines enabled
     30create_msvc ..\.. --msvc-version 10
     31goto done
  • dists/msvc10/readme.txt

     1The Visual Studio project files can now be created automatically from the GCC
     2files using the create_msvc tool inside the /tools/create_msvc folder.
     4To create the default project files, build create_msvc.exe, copy it inside this
     5folder and run the create_msvc10.bat file for a default build. You can run
     6create_msvc.exe with no parameters to check the possible command-line options