1 | User picked target 'urbanwitchstory14' (engine ID 'ags', game ID 'urbanwitchstory')...
2 | Running Urban Witch Story
3 | Urban Witch Story.ags: 92f7e6a4ffe81d40c1f20eb68dcb5ae7, 346573336 bytes.
4 | WARNING: TODO: SetCurrentDirectory: ./Juegos/Urban Witch Story/!
5 | Initializing backend libs
6 | Initializing game data
7 | Opened game data file: game28.dta
8 | Game data version: 3060021
9 | Compiled with:
10 | Startup directory: ./
11 | Data directory: ./
12 | Setting up game configuration
13 | WARNING: FSNode::createDirectory: '.' already exists!
14 | Was not able to init voice pack 'speech.vox': file not found or of unknown format.
15 | Initializing TTF renderer
16 | Initializing mouse: number of buttons reported is 3
17 | Initialize path finder library
18 | Game title: 'Urban Witch Story'
19 | Game uid (old format): `6414589`
20 | Game guid: '{561a2bb6-c006-4bdb-bf79-6cc9bbe2d231}'
21 | Game GUI version: 119
22 | Requested script API: v3.6.0-final (3060026), compat level: v3.2.1 (0)
23 | Game native resolution: 320 x 240 (32 bit)
24 | Checking for disk space
25 | Graphic settings: driver: D3D9, windowed: no, screen size: 9999 x 9999, game scale: proportional
26 | Graphic settings: refresh rate (optional): 0, vsync: 0
27 | Requested graphics driver 'D3D9' not found, will try existing drivers instead
28 | Graphics driver set: ScummVM 2D renderer
29 | Graphics mode set: 320 x 240 (32-bit) fullscreen
30 | Graphics mode set: refresh rate (optional): 0, vsync: 0
31 | WARNING: movement control not supported, mouse control can't be enabled!
32 | Mouse speed control: enabled, unit: 1.000000, user value: 1.000000
33 | Multitasking mode set: 0
34 | Setting up window
35 | Multitasking mode set: 0
36 | Initialize sprites
37 | Engine initialization complete
38 | Starting game
39 | Restoring saved game '/saves/urbanwitchstory14.001'
40 | WARNING: Audio stream did not support seeking!
41 | WARNING: Audio stream did not support seeking! |