1 | [scummvm]
2 | gui_browser_native=true
3 | gui_saveload_chooser=list
4 | filtering=false
5 | vsync=true
6 | gfx_mode=hq3x
7 | mute=false
8 | speech_volume=227
9 | native_mt32=false
10 | mt32_device=mt32
11 | opl_driver=auto
12 | midi_gain=100
13 | aspect_ratio=true
14 | talkspeed=60
15 | confirm_exit=false
16 | gui_use_game_language=false
17 | extrapath=D:\Games\ScummVM
18 | gui_base=0
19 | gui_return_to_launcher_at_exit=false
20 | tts_voice=-1
21 | subtitles=true
22 | multi_midi=false
23 | fullscreen=false
24 | updates_check=604800
25 | browser_lastpath=D:\Games\GOG Games\Martian Dreams
26 | gm_device=null
27 | sfx_volume=192
28 | music_volume=98
29 | speech_mute=false
30 | lastselectedgame=ultima6_enh
31 | music_driver=auto
32 | tts_enabled=false
33 | local_server_port=12345
34 | versioninfo=2.3.0git16082-gd60abf0cc2
35 | autosave_period=300
36 | enable_gs=false
37 |
38 | [qfg1vga]
39 | filtering=false
40 | description=Quest for Glory I: So You Want to Be a Hero (VGA/DOS/English)
41 | extra=VGA
42 | midi_mode=0
43 | gfx_mode=hq3x
44 | originalsaveload=false
45 | path=D:\Games\GOG Games\Quest for Glory (VGA)\
46 | prefer_digitalsfx=true
47 | rgb_rendering=false
48 | engineid=sci
49 | fullscreen=true
50 | gameid=qfg1vga
51 | language=en
52 | gui_saveload_last_pos=6
53 | sfx_volume=85
54 | music_volume=85
55 | platform=pc
56 | vsync=true
57 | aspect_ratio=true
58 | speech_volume=85
59 | guioptions=sndNoSpeech gameOption1 gameOption2 gameOption3 gameOptionE lang_English
60 |
61 | [qfg3]
62 | filtering=false
63 | description=Quest for Glory III: Wages of War (DOS/English)
64 | mute=false
65 | midi_mode=0
66 | gfx_mode=hq3x
67 | originalsaveload=false
68 | path=D:\Games\GOG Games\Quest for Glory 3\
69 | prefer_digitalsfx=true
70 | rgb_rendering=false
71 | engineid=sci
72 | fullscreen=true
73 | gameid=qfg3
74 | language=en
75 | gui_saveload_last_pos=37
76 | sfx_volume=102
77 | music_volume=102
78 | platform=pc
79 | vsync=true
80 | aspect_ratio=true
81 | speech_volume=102
82 | guioptions=sndNoSpeech gameOption1 gameOption2 gameOption3 gameOptionE lang_English
83 |
84 | [qfg4-cd-win]
85 | filtering=false
86 | description=Quest for Glory IV: Shadows of Darkness (CD/Windows/English)
87 | extra=CD
88 | speech_volume=173
89 | opl_driver=auto
90 | talkspeed=60
91 | gfx_mode=hq3x
92 | originalsaveload=false
93 | path=D:\Games\GOG Games\Quest for Glory 4\
94 | engineid=sci
95 | subtitles=true
96 | fullscreen=true
97 | gameid=qfg4
98 | language=en
99 | gui_saveload_last_pos=40
100 | mute=false
101 | sfx_volume=173
102 | enable_hq_video=true
103 | music_volume=92
104 | platform=windows
105 | music_driver=auto
106 | vsync=true
107 | aspect_ratio=true
108 | speech_mute=false
109 | guioptions=sndLinkSpeechToSfx gameOption2 gameOptionA lang_English
110 |
111 | [ultima4]
112 | transparentTileShadowSize=2
113 | mouseEnabled=true
114 | u5combat=false
115 | shrineTime=16
116 | smartEnterKey=true
117 | campingAlwaysCombat=false
118 | shakeInterval=100
119 | engineid=ultima
120 | slimeDivides=true
121 | enhancements=true
122 | gui_saveload_last_pos=16
123 | gameCyclesPerSecond=4
124 | campTime=10
125 | c64chestTraps=true
126 | platform=pc
127 | transparentTilePixelShadowOpacity=64
128 | u5spellMixing=true
129 | volumeFades=true
130 | renderTileTransparency=true
131 | titleSpeedRandom=150
132 | u5shrines=true
133 | language=en
134 | last_save=16
135 | screenShakes=true
136 | video=new
137 | guioptions=sndNoSpeech lang_English
138 | textColorization=true
139 | activePlayer=true
140 | gazerSpawnsInsects=true
141 | innTime=8
142 | battleDiff=Normal
143 | peerShowsObjects=true
144 | innAlwaysCombat=false
145 | description=Ultima IV - Quest of the Avatar (DOS/English)
146 | gemLayout=Full Viewport
147 | titleSpeedOther=30
148 | filterMoveMessages=false
149 | lineOfSight=Enhanced
150 | battlespeed=5
151 | path=D:\Games\GOG Games\Ultima 4 - Quest of the Avatar\
152 | shortcutCommands=false
153 | gameid=ultima4
154 | spellEffectSpeed=10
155 | validateXml=true
156 | gamma=100
157 |
158 | [ultima8]
159 | extra=Gold Edition
160 | cheat=false
161 | engineid=ultima
162 | gui_saveload_last_pos=4
163 | font_antialiasing=true
164 | platform=pc
165 | music_driver=auto
166 | frameLimit=true
167 | talkspeed=60
168 | originalsaveload=false
169 | frameSkip=true
170 | targetedjump=true
171 | subtitles=true
172 | music_volume=98
173 | opl_driver=auto
174 | guioptions=sndNoMIDI gameOption1 lang_English
175 | keymap_ultima8_LCLK=LALT MOUSE_LEFT
176 | lastSave=4
177 | mute=false
178 | sfx_volume=192
179 | description=Ultima VIII - Pagan (Gold Edition/DOS/English)
180 | speech_volume=227
181 | font_override=true
182 | path=D:\Games\GOG Games\Ultima 8\ENGLISH\
183 | gameid=ultima8
184 | language=en
185 | footsteps=true
186 | speech_mute=false
187 |
188 | [ultima6_enh]
189 | audio/combat_changes_music=yes
190 | filtering=false
191 | mute=false
192 | general/party_formation=no
193 | input/direction_selects_target=yes
194 | sfx_mute=false
195 | engineid=ultima
196 | ultima6/roof_mode=yes
197 | gui_saveload_last_pos=3
198 | audio/stop_music_on_group_change=yes
199 | input/enable_doubleclick=yes
200 | platform=pc
201 | vsync=true
202 | latest_save=3
203 | ultima6/custom_actor_tiles=yes
204 | input/enabled_dragging=yes
205 | audio/conversations_stop_music=yes
206 | input/new_command_bar=yes
207 | general/show_console=yes
208 | general/lighting=smooth
209 | gfx_mode=hq3x
210 | skip_intro=yes
211 | video/non_square_pixels=yes
212 | language=en
213 | music_volume=76
214 | ultima6/show_stealing=yes
215 | aspect_ratio=true
216 | guioptions=lang_English
217 | input/doubleclick_opens_containers=yes
218 | input/party_view_targeting=yes
219 | general/use_text_gumps=yes
220 | general/converse_gump=u7style
221 | fullscreen=yes
222 | general/enable_cursors=yes
223 | input/look_on_left_click=yes
224 | newgame=false
225 | sfx_volume=255
226 | newgamedata/int=30
227 | newgamedata/portrait=4
228 | input/walk_with_left_button=yes
229 | loadgame=ultima6
230 | general/dither_mode=none
231 | description=Ultima VI - The False Prophet - Enhanced (DOS/English)
232 | newgamedata/gender=1
233 | ultima6/skip_intro=yes
234 | newgamedata/str=30
235 | path=D:\Games\GOG Games\Ultima 6\
236 | audio/vehicles_change_music=yes
237 | ultima6/free_balloon_movement=yes
238 | gameid=ultima6_enh
239 | ultima6/converse_solid_bg=yes
240 | newgamedata/name=Myst Eerious
241 | ultima6/use_new_dolls=yes
242 | video/game_style=new
243 | newgamedata/dex=30
244 | input/interface=fullscreen
245 | music_mute=false
246 |