Ticket #15041: scummvm.log

File scummvm.log, 3.7 KB (added by antoniou79, 2 months ago)
1[2024-03-23 09:29:01] ScummVM 2.9.0git (Mar 23 2024 09:27:58)
2[2024-03-23 09:29:01] Vorbis FLAC MP3 RGB zLib MPEG2 FluidSynth MikMod Theora VPX AAC A/52 FreeType2 FriBiDi JPEG PNG GIF taskbar TTS cloud (servers, local) ENet SDL2 TinyGL OpenGL (with shaders)
3[2024-03-23 09:29:01] --- Log opened.
4[2024-03-23 09:33:34] WARNING: Duplicate declaration of engine debug channel 'GUI'!
5[2024-03-23 09:33:34] WARNING: Duplicate declaration of engine debug channel 'gui'!
6[2024-03-23 09:33:40] WARNING: Duplicate declaration of engine debug channel 'GUI'!
7[2024-03-23 09:33:40] WARNING: Duplicate declaration of engine debug channel 'gui'!
8[2024-03-23 09:33:45] Running Earl Mansin: The Breakout
9[2024-03-23 09:33:45] Earl Mansin.exe: 3b7cceb3e4bdb031dc5d8f290936e94b, 108987401 bytes.
10[2024-03-23 09:33:45] WARNING: TODO: SetCurrentDirectory: D:/Games/EarlMansin11/!
11[2024-03-23 09:33:45] Initializing backend libs
12[2024-03-23 09:33:45] Initializing game data
13[2024-03-23 09:33:45] Opened game data file: ac2game.dta
14[2024-03-23 09:33:45] Game data version: 27
15[2024-03-23 09:33:45] Compiled with: 2.62
16[2024-03-23 09:33:45] Startup directory: ./
17[2024-03-23 09:33:45] Data directory: ./
18[2024-03-23 09:33:45] Setting up game configuration
19[2024-03-23 09:33:45] WARNING: FSNode::createDirectory: '.' already exists!
20[2024-03-23 09:33:45] Voice pack found: speech.vox
21[2024-03-23 09:33:45] music.vox found and initialized.
22[2024-03-23 09:33:45] Initializing TTF renderer
23[2024-03-23 09:33:45] Initializing mouse: number of buttons reported is 3
24[2024-03-23 09:33:45] Install timer
25[2024-03-23 09:33:45] Initialize legacy path finder library
26[2024-03-23 09:33:45] Game title: 'Earl Mansin: The Breakout'
27[2024-03-23 09:33:45] Game uid (old format): `1135008400`
28[2024-03-23 09:33:45] Game guid: ''
29[2024-03-23 09:33:45] Game GUI version: 105
30[2024-03-23 09:33:45] Checking for disk space
31[2024-03-23 09:33:45] Game native resolution: 640 x 480 (32 bit) letterbox-by-design
32[2024-03-23 09:33:45] Graphic settings: driver: OGL, windowed: no, screen size: 0 x 0, game scale: proportional
33[2024-03-23 09:33:45] Graphic settings: refresh rate (optional): 0, vsync: 1
34[2024-03-23 09:33:45] Requested graphics driver 'OGL' not found, will try existing drivers instead
35[2024-03-23 09:33:45] Graphics driver set: ScummVM 2D renderer
36[2024-03-23 09:33:45] Graphics mode set: 640 x 480 (32-bit) fullscreen desktop
37[2024-03-23 09:33:45] Graphics mode set: refresh rate (optional): 0, vsync: 1
38[2024-03-23 09:33:45] WARNING: movement control not supported, mouse control can't be enabled!
39[2024-03-23 09:33:45] Mouse speed control: enabled, unit: 1.000000, user value: 1.000000
40[2024-03-23 09:33:45] Multitasking mode set: 0
41[2024-03-23 09:33:45] Setting up window
42[2024-03-23 09:33:45] Multitasking mode set: 0
43[2024-03-23 09:33:45] Initialize sprites
44[2024-03-23 09:33:45] Engine initialization complete
45[2024-03-23 09:33:45] Starting game
46[2024-03-23 09:33:50] WARNING: Unknown BMP/AVI compression format 'MP42'!
47[2024-03-23 09:33:50] WARNING: Failed to parse AVI header!
48[2024-03-23 09:33:50] WARNING: Unable to decode video 'data/r00m0.cfg'!
49[2024-03-23 09:33:50] WARNING: Unable to decode video 'data/r00m0.cfg'!
50[2024-03-23 09:33:50] !NewRoom: Cannot run this command, since there was a RestartGame command already queued to run in "Room script", line 31!
51[2024-03-23 09:33:50] Debugger started, type 'exit' to return to the game.
52[2024-03-23 09:33:50] Type 'help' to see a little list of commands and variables.
53[2024-03-23 09:33:50] ERROR: !NewRoom: Cannot run this command, since there was a RestartGame command already queued to run in "Room script", line 31!
54[2024-03-23 09:33:50]
55[2024-03-23 09:33:50]
56[2024-03-23 09:33:50] Read 19 history entries
57[2024-03-23 09:44:13] --- Log closed successfully.